` Exploring creativity with director & photographer Scott Grummett - Directory

Exploring creativity with director & photographer Scott Grummett

In the spirit of celebrating creativity, we invite talented individuals from around the globe to delve into our Q&A on the whats and hows of their creative journey. This episode is dedicated to the London-based director and photographer Scott Grummett, known for his exceptional ability to bring food and drink to life through his vibrant, mouth-watering visuals and his innovative approach to capturing culinary artistry.

How would you describe what you do?

I am a photographer and director who likes to make you hungry. That is at the core of everything I do. I like making films and imagery that feel real, taking on small details that add soul and relatability whether that’s in the food itself or human interaction. I work primarily in advertising, solving problems for clients and agencies especially with territories, formats and deciphering a matrix of outputs. 

Ultimately I’m here to make things that are both creative and tasty.

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