Ben Dolphin

Director/ Cinematographer


Ben Dolphin


LIQUID SPECIALIST~DOLPHIN’s fresh approach brings feelings to liquids. Marrying art, science & advertising, a native New Yorker, Ben’s liquids are world renown. Dolphin=Liquids they just go together.

Director/Cinematographer/Choreographer, master of hi-speed, motion control, advanced rigs, in-camera & combined CG solutions. His work plays on 5 continents has won 2 Emmys, an Addy and a Silver AD&D award & he’s 3D Certified by Sony and Panasonic. I love shooting liquids & anything wet, products, people, & underwater.’ His work is beautiful, bold, intimate & FUN. Feel the light, experience the visual gesture. The quality & depth of experience he brings to filming liquids is vast. The viewer’s connection to the liquid’s performance is everything. Today, each project may be a multi-platform short film. He often shoots broadcast, digital and print in 16×9 & 9×16 and 1×1 simultaneously.

His dance background informs his directing, choreographing the dynamic interplay between Camera, LIQUID and Light. His work exhibits a powerful sense of energy, movement & design. (dance BIO on request) A great listener & excellent communicator, Ben’s enthusiasm & commitment is infectious.

Working with local crews he generates an atmosphere of respect, excellence & TEAMWORK. He understands directing isn’t only creating exquisite images. It’s making the most of available resources, delivering on the creative promise & exceeding agency & client’s expectations in the edit!

In addition to Commercial work, Ben directs Documentaries & Dance Films featured in Lincoln Center Dance on Camera Festival & New Museum of Contemporary Art, NYC. An advanced Ashtanga Yogi, his creed in yoga and film-making is to passionately bring oneself to one’s limits: creating a ‘count-on-able’ inspiration, a vivid new moment of expression no one could have expected before we began together. Only Super Efforts count, the rest is mediocrity.

My best job…the one I’m working on next with you.

Personal Projects: 

‘Ode to Our Fallen Children’:

‘Return to Forever’: 

Films by Ben Dolphin