Etienne Proulx



Etienne Proulx


“I want to blow people’s minds and transport them to an incredibly vivid world of texture and flavour, but also craft a cohesive film experience that is specifically tailored for the brand and creative concept.”

Etienne Proulx is internationally regarded as an acclaimed cinematographer in the technical high speed motion control tabletop advertising industry.

His forte is really the R&D process. He always does extensive preparation and tests in order to find the best frames, beautiful lighting, compositions and movements to highlight the product. After doing that structural part, he focuses on texture and FX to find the best never seen images. Mesmerizing shots. Working closely along the way with the director and creative team.

His current clients include Pepsico, Kind bar, Budweiser, Danone, Coors Light, Corona, Hershey, Nespresso, McDonalds, Mc Café,  Liberté, Subway, Tim Hortons,…

It is his life…  He feels so inspired by this and he never get’s tired of it! Never!


Films by Etienne Proulx